Archive for May, 2011

In the first part of the series, we cover legs.


  • Dropset: A set which is taken to failure, the lifter pauses, and the weight is subsequently lowered. The set continues until the lifter vomits, or there is no more weight on the bar.


Time and time again, droves of skinny teenagers (and many adults) begin a workout with one thing in mind:

I want hyooooooge pecz and gunz!


In the past, I’ve dabbled in the Olympic lifts, but never was that serious. Recently, however, I’ve began to love them.


I’m kind of weird in the way I do progression. I like to start all the way at the bottom. Let me explain…


Look at those abs! I bet you wish your’s were like that. I can tell you how to build a core that’s strong enough to take on Chuck Norris, and win, and looks like it.


Should women train like men? As you can see from the above picture, Mercedes Khani, an IFBB Pro fitness model has been successful. (more…)

In my last article, I covered the strength part of the power equation. This time, we cover speed!


You know it, especially if you live/commute mostly around minorities. On a train or a bus, you see more obese and overweight women then seats. Conversely, you seem to see maybe 2 fat guys if your lucky. Why?


These things are great. My best Back squat is 500lb raw (no wraps, no belt), all I did was 335×4, and I was shot. A word of advice, the weight will bare down on your shoulders, and it hurts like hell, be warned. Adding to my articles about increasing your squat and deadlift, this is a great plateau buster if all else fails or just to mix things up! Happy squatting!